How to Setup Item Quantity Tracking

Learn how to set up item quantity tracking in Total Touch POS

Set up Item Quantity Tracking in the Menu Item Tab

  1. Choose your menu item - i.e., coke.
  2. There will be a number in the quantity field located in the yellow box to the right, i.e., 20.
  3. If the quantity number appears as 9999, this means that field is disabled.
  4. You can manually update and change the quantity by adding the correct quantity number to the field.
  5. After you've updated the quantity number, click Close to save.

Ringing in Items and Reducing Quantities

  1. Login to the POS software.
  2. Select a table.
  3. For items with a set quantity, there will be a number in the bottom right corner of the menu item displaying how many are available.
  4. As you ring in items individually or in bulk, the number shown will decrease.
  5. When a menu item has a quantity of zero, the system will automatically put a circle with a line through to prevent ordering.
  6. Canceling the order will put the selected items automatically back into inventory.
  7. Deleting the items will also automatically put them back into inventory.
  8. Refunding a cheque will not automatically return the item to inventory unless you have that option turned on in the back office.
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