How to Build a Loyal Following with Email Marketing

Email marketing is essential for establishing a loyal following and building a successful restaurant business.

While social media platforms welcome and attract new audiences, an email list gives you full ownership of subscribers' information and the opportunity to provide consistent, personalized content to your customers.

By taking advantage of email as a direct channel to your audience, you can connect with loyal patrons, highlight your latest deals, and share your brand's message easily. 

Email marketing for restaurants is best used in conjunction with social media to promote your restaurant or bar, keep up with the latest trends, and—most importantly—build a lasting relationship with your customers.

Here are three tips for building a loyal restaurant following through email marketing:

1. Develop Your Email List

The first step in developing your email list is to ensure it's convenient for your customers to join. You can showcase an email subscription option on your restaurant's website with a contact form or tasteful pop-ups, as well as in-person on menus or receipts.

Convenience is key to connection, so balancing online and in-person options are vital. For example, your restaurant's website acts as your business's home base in the digital world. Creating a contact form that is easy to find, straightforward, and details the importance of signing up is a fantastic way to grow a loyal following. 

After creating different ways for people to sign up, give your customers a reason to subscribe! You can entice customers to sign up to your email list by:

  • Sharing exclusive restaurant deals
  • Inviting subscribers to private events hosted by your business
  • Creating meaningful news and content

Think of email marketing as an additional service to enrich your customers' experience.   

2. Determine Your Ideal Customer

Email marketing efforts are most successful when you have a firm understanding of your target audience, allowing you to tailor a stronger message for them. If you're having trouble identifying your target customer, begin by studying your brand identity and your restaurant or bar's central themes.

Your brand identity consists of a few factors, such as your menu, your atmosphere and ambiance, your central colors, and your personality. As you reflect on your restaurant's identity, think about the type of customer that would thrive in your establishment. For instance, if you own an Italian restaurant with warm colors, large tables and booths, and menus catered to both mature and young taste buds, your ideal customers may be families with children. 

Once you've identified your ideal customers, it’s time to curate email sequences that resonate with them. For example, if targeting families with children, your emails may include group discounts, stories about your restaurant's staff, and invites to become part of your extended family by dining at your restaurant. Start the email marketing process by learning whom you are targeting.

3. Create Engaging Emails

People protect their inboxes carefully and are quick to unsubscribe, so the only way to remain connected to your audience is by crafting emails they will love. Rather than simply sharing seasonal menus and discounts, fill your emails with value to increase engagement while including deals that encourage diners to change their dinner plans. 

Here are some key features of a great email:

  • Use a compelling subject line. Think about titles and subjects that naturally catch your eye and pique your interest. It may be a set of limited-time specials, a seasonal menu, or a weekly event with live music. Make it intriguing enough to inspire people to open up and discover what’s inside!
  • Add a personal touch. Customers want to feel unique and recognized by the brands they patronize. So, instead of sending email blasts written to a mass audience, begin your emails by greeting each subscriber by name. By doing so, the message will have a more intimate feel right off the bat.
  • Tell a story. Start your email with a bang to grab the reader’s attention. You can do this by telling compelling stories that relate to the email's primary purpose. For instance,  add the customer's name for a personal touch and share a story to create a deeper relationship with your subscribers. Don’t be afraid to get personal and invite your subscribers to get to know your business on a deeper level.

End with a call-to-action (CTA). Always conclude your emails with a call-to-action to direct readers towards your business. Whether you're inviting them to use a special deal or visit your restaurant, a CTA is a perfect way to end an email.

Crafting great emails is only the beginning of growing your following.

From there, consistency and quality are key. What you'll need next is a strategic plan for your email marketing and compelling topics to keep your subscribers interested. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Offer promotions. Promotions are one of the main selling points to gain subscribers, so implement them throughout the year. You can share your latest deals, happy hour specials, and holiday discounts.
  • Share exclusive recipes. If your customers subscribe to your email list, there's a good chance they love your menu. So keep readers enthusiastic by sharing recipes produced by your chefs and tips for making it their own (without the secret sauce, of course!).
  • Get personal with introductions. If you have new staff joining your team, you can introduce them to your subscribers. This will make them feel like they're in the loop and a part of your restaurant's extended family.
  • Tell your restaurant's story — but make the customer the hero! There's nothing like a story to pull at the heartstrings. Connect with your audience by sharing the story of how your restaurant or bar came to be. Doing so will make your business stand out and feel more authentic to your customers.

Email marketing helps you cultivate relationships, promote your latest deals, and communicate your restaurant or bar's values. It's time to move past the idea that emails aren’t effective. Email marketing is exactly what you need to grow your business. Get creative, have fun, and craft email newsletters your customers are sure to love!

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