Vital Leadership Skills for Successful Restaurant Owners and Managers

One of the essential ingredients to running a restaurant or bar is strong leadership. The best leaders help their team members work together to meet common goals.

Four Qualities Great Leaders Should Possess

Prepare Your Restaurant Team to Lead

Utilize the Best Restaurant Tools Available

Provide Leadership During Uncertainty

Leadership Is a Necessity

These leaders have extensive business insight and a plan for their restaurant's success.

Think of a leader as the captain of a ship. Without a captain, a crew has no direction. Without a reliable leader to guide employees, the team is lost. Strong leadership can impact every aspect of the restaurant, from service to staff communication.

Every business requires owners or managers to oversee its operations. But beyond that, a restaurant needs a leader to provide a stable foundation for their employees. This means ensuring everyone has a firm understanding of their responsibilities and how to fulfill them.

Many restaurant owners depend on their employees to keep the ship running but neglect to fulfill their role in establishing smooth operations behind the scenes and in-house. Ultimately, customer experience and quality of service depend on the staff and the owner working together. It's highly beneficial for all leaders to provide an efficient system for their employees and customers. 

Three Characteristics of Poor Leadership

Leadership in a restaurant or bar doesn't necessarily equate to success. Poor leadership can be worse than not having any guidance in the first place. So before we dive into the qualities of a great leader, let's review three standouts of inadequate leadership:

  • Poor communication: Communication is fundamental in the restaurant business because conveying messages is central to the work. Poor communication creates misunderstandings with responsibilities, confusion in managing customer-sensitive issues, and little progress toward the business's goals.
  • Inability to accept failures: Issues are common in restaurants and bars. However, not taking responsibility for failures can cause a domino effect in service and workflow, contributing to additional problems in the future.
  • Avoiding worker concerns: The staff lays the groundwork for the restaurant. Not attending to employee concerns may make the team feel unsupported and unmotivated to provide high-quality service.

The worker shortage has exemplified how poor leadership and planning can result in an unsustainable environment for employees. To establish and maintain a strong team that will lead your business to success, restaurant owners must buckle down and provide exemplary leadership in the workplace. Here are eight qualities that every great leader should have.

restaurant manager

Four Qualities Great Leaders Should Possess

If you're a restaurant manager or owner, you know that may mean early mornings and late nights to ensure you succeed. Inspire your team with these four qualities of leadership:

1. Honesty

All good leaders understand the importance of honesty. You can't run a successful restaurant or bar without being transparent with your staff. That's where honesty comes in. It empowers you to be realistic and look at things from a business perspective. What's working and what's not? Use honesty as a tool for improvement, and remember to communicate your thoughts clearly to your team.

2. Delegation

As a leader, delegating tasks to your employees is crucial for streamlining each workflow. A great leader can delegate responsibilities evenly across their staff to ensure minimal burnout and exhaustion. Try establishing practical systems like checklists and staff meetings to ensure everyone can fulfill their obligations adequately.

3. Empathy

Empathy is a leadership skill that often gets overlooked but is significant to connecting with your workers. If you want a strong team, you have to take time to understand their needs and how you can best support them so they can provide high-quality service to your customers.

This means listening to them and communicating your goals with them. Empathy allows you to create better solutions for managing high-stress situations in the restaurant.

When issues occur, you want to remain calm and ready to handle the situation graciously without blaming your employees.

4. Respect and Kindness

These days, employees are searching for a healthy working environment. Every leader should possess respect and kindness. As their employer, it's up to you to provide a space where your staff feels seen and appreciated.

You can show respect to your team by:

  • Recognizing their work ethic
  • Vocalizing your appreciation for them
  • Addressing staff mistakes in a kind manner

Being compassionate allows you to build a strong relationship with your workers and helps avoid high turnover rates, negatively affecting your customers.

Prepare Your Restaurant Team to Lead

Restaurants and bars utilize various strategies to attract customers. Factors such as high-quality food and services, authentic branding, an immersive dining experience, seasonal specials, and a restaurant management system contribute to success in the restaurant industry.

Successful restaurants also have to use strategy to attract the best workforce.

Efficient Preparation and Training

Customer service is at the core of the restaurant and bar industry. New employees may be unfamiliar with everything from menu items to the POS system, so it's essential to be patient with them and allow them time to grow. A good leader recognizes common restaurant challenges and keeps them in mind while training new staff members.

In addition, you can train new employees to better manage unpredictable situations, like serving a high volume of customers or inputting long, meticulous orders. The better you prepare your staff, the more confident they will be when uncertain circumstances arise.

Communicate Management Expectations

Communication allows you to achieve your restaurant or bar's goals. Share your objectives with your staff and clarify what you expect from them.

Go beyond training employees on general operations and etiquette. Make sure they know they play a substantial role in the success of your business. Always share what they need to do to contribute to these goals.

A direct approach is ideal. Arrange a staff meeting and discuss your vision with them. When you are direct and clear, you will set each team member up for success.

Accept Feedback and Apply It to Solutions

Sharp leaders know that feedback is key to improving their operations. So listen to your team, customers, and online reviewers. Then use their criticisms to find solutions that will generate additional business.

For example, if your staff is overwhelmed by the volume of customers, listen to what they say and determine what you can do to lessen their burden. In this case, you may need to hire more employees, update your restaurant's technology, or shorten your menu. Again, use constructive feedback as a learning opportunity to improve

online food ordering

Utilize the Best Restaurant Tools Available

Using updated resources and technology is ideal for supporting staff members and workflows. For example, modern restaurant technology like a POS system can help your business with inventory management, employee timesheets, and pay-at-table options for customers. 

Take time to review your business' technology and determine if you’re ready for an upgrade.

Technology is becoming a standard tool for all restaurants and bars. It supports staff and provides a seamless experience for customers while allowing owners to step into their leadership roles. Here are some POS system benefits and how you can use this tool to grow your restaurant:

Automation Creates Convenience

When it comes to dining out, customers are looking for a hassle-free and convenient experience. With an updated system, you can improve the overall experience for customers and employees.

For instance, a POS system provides order and pay-at-table options. This can be helpful during high-volume hours when employees are multi-tasking. Serving too many tables can cause confusion, stress, and long wait times. Over-extending your staff negatively affects employees’ performance and makes customers less inclined to revisit your restaurant.

Instead, you can have order and pay-at-table options available to lift the weight off your staff and create a more convenient experience for your diners.

Streamline Workflow with To-Go Orders

A POS system boosts efficiency with ordering kiosks. Like the order and pay-at-table options, this improves the workflow for staff and creates a convenient environment for customers to order when they’re ready.

Ordering kiosks are ideal for restaurants and shops catering to a crowd who prefer to order on the go—for example, boba shops and pizzerias. A kiosk allows customers to order at the window while employees focus their attention on food quality. 

Online and Mobile Ordering

After the pandemic, online ordering became more prominent among diners and is more popular and convenient than ever. Blue Book Services predicts that 60% of diners will order online, and one in four customers plan on ordering more delivery and takeout in 2022. You’re missing out on sales and profits if you're not offering online ordering!

Updating your technology to include mobile ordering can increase profits as you’re appealing to a more extensive customer base. For example, you can use a POS system or a third-party delivery app like DoorDash and UberEats.

Remember that third-party apps take a percentage of each order, so it may be ideal to have your own online ordering option instead.

Inventory Tracking System

Say goodbye to manual tracking and overspending on ingredients. Instead, your POS system will automatically track supplies, so you don't have to worry about overordering or food waste.

This system provides sales analytics to tell you which supplies you should purchase. It also reports best-selling items, so you can adjust your menu accordingly to save money and increase profits.

Manage Staff and Timesheets

A POS system accurately measures your worker's timesheets. This simplifies the administration process and allows you to focus on more pressing priorities. In addition, you can also utilize quick wage and tax deduction calculations. No more manually calculating everyone's hours or running the risk of errors inside your taxes.

Personalized Customer Experience

Restaurant technology manages customer records and information, allowing your business to better cater to customers through email marketing. For example, if a customer orders weekly specials, the system will let you know. You can then send out newsletters that inspire them to revisit, reminding them of each special you offer.

Providing Leadership During Uncertain Times

When the pandemic hit the restaurant industry, many owners wondered what to do next. The pandemic exemplified how resilience and consistency are vital during uncertain times. It also demonstrated how powerful adaptability is in business. As instability is a naturally unpredictable occurrence, owners should be ready for more changes in the market and economic crises.

Leadership creates a stable environment for your workers and establishment. But being a leader, especially during hardships, isn't easy. It requires commitment and acceptance that change is inevitable. The best way to keep your business strong is by being prepared for the unknown.

How Restaurant Owners Provide Leadership During Uncertainty

Stay Consistent with Your Messaging

During uncertain times, people are searching for stability. You can provide this by consistently communicating your message to customers. You want to make sure your brand is familiar and recognizable. Consistency attracts new patrons and familiarity reflects comfort and safety.

You can become an integral part of your community by continuing to advertise specials and customer favorites. Let your neighborhood know you're here and ready to become their favorite local spot.

You can also give back to your community by hosting a food drive, donating to a local food bank, and arranging fundraisers for charity. Doing good for your community sets you apart from the competition.

Stay in Touch with Your Audience

Email marketing is a great way to remind patrons of when you're open and provide a personable experience for them. Build an email list to send out newsletters, holiday highlights, specials, and employee shoutouts. Maintaining constant communication keeps you relevant with your audience as you build a lasting and trusting relationship with them.

As a leader, it's up to you to cultivate relationships with those supporting your business. Find new ways to share your restaurant or bar's values with them. You can also use social media to connect with a broader audience and showcase what your business is all about.

Know Your Target Customers

During a crisis, it's more important than ever to understand your target demographic. By knowing who your customers are, you can implement strategies that will help capture their attention. When you know their preferences and favorite menu items, it may mean changing the menu, sharing online offerings, or updating your dining environment to craft an experience that keeps them coming back.

If you don't know your target customers , try studying your competition. You may find out why some diners choose their restaurant instead of yours.

Study the reports from your restaurant management system. Review zip codes to know where your customers are from. Make certain your top-selling offerings are always available.

Here are a few reasons why your competition may attract more customers:

  • Excellent reputation: Customers are more likely to visit a restaurant with good reviews. They like to know that the experience and food are high-quality. To determine where you stand, read over some of your restaurant's online reviews and see which aspects of your business need improvement.
  • Convenient options: Customers are looking for a seamless experience. See if your competition is providing convenient options for their patrons. Is there something you can add to your business to enhance each experience?
  • Trustworthy establishment: No one wants to eat at a questionable restaurant. So think about authenticity here. Does your restaurant have a clear place in the community? It's all about building trust. Can your customers depend on your restaurant to provide an immersive dining experience and excellent service?
  • Consistent quality: While food is a high priority, you want to ensure that quality extends to other areas of your restaurant, like the environment and service. Is your restaurant consistent across the board? Take this opportunity to check online reviews and ask patrons what they think. You may find valuable insight here that can contribute to a handful of necessary changes.
  • Reasonable prices: Price is one of the first things customers notice about a restaurant. Ask yourself if the costs of your menu items are fair. It's all about comparing prices and adapting accordingly.

Gain Respect from Workers and Your Community

During difficult times, your community needs strong leaders to guide it through. You can demonstrate this by supporting and inspiring your employees and customers.

Encourage staff by working alongside them and letting them know you're not only a boss but a friend. Communicate your goals with them and listen to their ideas.

To maintain high performance, motivate employees by acknowledging their efforts, offering higher wages, and providing overtime benefits. Your staff is the engine of your restaurant. Supply each team member with the tools and resources to fulfill the restaurant's goals.

For your customers, be a familiar face in the community. You can do this by sourcing foods from local vendors and farmers, visiting farmer’s markets, and connecting with local businesses.

Get connected with your community to make your restaurant a staple in the neighborhood.

Preparing for Unavoidable Circumstances

Business Insider states that the restaurant industry will continue having a worker shortage in 2022, with seven in ten restaurant owners reporting they don't have enough employees to support customer demands. With this expectation, restaurant and bar owners must adapt and establish practical approaches to better provide for their customers and staff.

If you're noticing a higher demand in your business, here are some strategies to implement:

  • Set new operating hours: Avoid overextending staff by reducing your working hours. This will allow you to optimize workers' performance and provide better customer service.
  • Utilize third-party delivery services: Uncertain times mean making necessary adjustments – jumping on the delivery trend being one of them. Ensure your restaurant has accessible services for customers who prefer online ordering. Start using third-party apps or offering your own mobile ordering option through a POS system.
  • Reduce menu items: Are you offering too many options on your menu? A smaller menu highlights popular dishes and lowers food waste. It also reduces food costs, improves workers' efficiency, and simplifies the training process.
strong leadership man in room

Strong Leadership Is a Necessity

For restaurants and bars to succeed, they need a strong team, high-quality food and service, and efficient technology. While these characteristics are vital for a thriving business, it all comes down to a stable leader who can guide the restaurant to its goals.

The best leaders offer motivation and support to their team. They provide direction, so their crew can keep the ship afloat. Every leader should possess qualities that empower their team, like:

  • Honesty
  • Ability to delegate
  • Empathy
  • Respect and kindness
  • Communication
  • Acceptance of feedback and application for solutions
  • Use of the best technology and tools

In addition, managers and owners should be able to adapt to change, whether it's a change in the season or readjustments during uncertain times.

This is especially true during economic crises and hardships, where standard practices may no longer be beneficial to your business. When unforeseeable times occur, you can prepare by creating a backup plan, observing your competition, and applying new strategies to support your team. It may be challenging to stay consistent with messaging, but ultimately it will help you better connect with patrons.

Customers and staff rely on leaders to maintain stability. By being an active communicator, a familiar face, and providing consistent service, you can symbolize hope for your community. Participating in outreach programs and building relationships with local farmers is a great start. Instead of waiting for the next crisis, begin making a name for your restaurant or bar with locals at every opportunity. 

Stepping into your role as an owner can come with additional stressors. For example, you’re now the main person everyone looks to for direction. To prevent extra pressure, remind yourself that you're on a team. Your staff is an extension of your business, so it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Like delegating tasks to employees, you may also consider hiring a manager to balance your responsibilities.

Success is harder to achieve when you're spread too thin, so allow yourself to depend on others to accomplish your overarching goals. In addition to hiring more help, you can use updated technology to minimize the work on your plate.

Technology has evolved significantly, helping leaders develop and businesses operate efficiently. With the support of automated tools, timesheet management, and more, a POS system can assist you with paving the way for your employees.

There are two key ways to scale your business and be the leader your team needs: Multiply yourself or use technology. When you lead your team and develop their skills, you multiply yourself. When it comes to restaurant management, the technology is widely and readily available. Imagine the success you’ll experience when you combine effective leadership with a restaurant management solution that makes their job — and yours — easier.

Learn more about how a point of sale system can help you achieve success for your restaurant and emerge as a better leader.

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