Smart Team Management Techniques for Restaurant Owners

As restaurant and bar owners continue to open their doors to full capacity, having a reliable and adequate staff to run the workplace smoothly is at the top of their priorities.

There are five ways you can practice smart team management:

  1. Prepare your staff for the unpredictable
  2. Communicate and manage to expectations
  3. Show your staff that you value them
  4. Accept feedback
  5. Make the best use of restaurant management technology and solutions

However, due to the worker shortage, business owners are learning how to be flexible while establishing and growing their teams.

This is the perfect opportunity for restaurant and bar managers to learn new strategies to improve their staff's performance and create a healthy working environment. However, before discussing tips to manage your staff successfully, it's crucial to understand the signs of a toxic work environment and make necessary changes to benefit you, your team, and your customers. 

As you manage your restaurant, be aware of the following behaviors:

  • Any forms of gossip or joking on behalf of teammates. While you and your staff may want to create a light-hearted working environment, it's essential to set clear boundaries and be mindful of what you and your team members say.
  • Recurring absences.  As frustrating as it may be to have workers call out frequently, there may be a reason. Instead of scolding your employees, take time to look into their circumstances and empathize with them. The issue could be easily fixed with open communication and changes to the working environment. 
  • Discussing your staff's mistakes. Be mindful of the fact that your team will make mistakes occasionally. One productive way to manage your team when there is a blunder is to openly discuss the mistakes and share methods to help your staff learn and grow.  Be respectful and position it as a learning opportunity for all.

Being receptive to your restaurant or bar's environment is one of the first steps to successfully managing your team. Fortunately, there are plenty of other methods you can apply to ensure that your staff is successful. Here are five innovative and practical tips you can establish in your restaurant to manage and support your team.

Prepare your staff for unpredictable situations

Restaurants and bars can be hectic, especially when unpredictable situations occur — like a global pandemic. Business Insider states that, in addition to low wages, workers are quitting because of the poor treatment received from customers.

One way you can manage your team's success is by preparing them for every situation they may encounter, including handling demanding customers, navigating menu changes and dietary restrictions, and training them to work in a fast-paced environment.

Don't wait for workers to quit from unprecedented stress. Be proactive versus reactive! Instead, train your team to be ready for anything. Not only will you be equipping your staff to be efficient, but you're setting your staff and restaurant up for success.

Clearly communicate expectations and goals 

One way to build an effective team is by setting clear goals and expectations for your workers. When you share your expectations with your staff, you are helping them see the bigger picture and how their roles contribute to your business thriving. 

On their own, your staff may not know why you assigned them to do certain tasks like setting the refrigerator to a specific temperature or restocking the shelves at the end of the shift.

When they set the refrigerator at the mandatory temperature, you can let them know that they help to adhere with health codes and ultimately allow the restaurant to remain open. Restocking shelves helps the next shift prepare for customers and reduces their workload. Having clear goals for each team member also keeps your staff productive and on track.

gether restaurant staaff feedback and give compliments!

Show that you value your staff 

One behavior that creates a toxic work environment is outwardly discussing your staff's mistakes. While it's okay (and even productive) to go over mistakes and plan new strategies to work through confusion, consistent negativity can lead to a low-performing and discouraged staff. 

Fortunately, you can create a balanced environment while still managing mistakes that come up. Start by recognizing and acknowledging what your team is doing right! When you highlight their work ethic, you'll be encouraging high-performing behavior, and your staff will thrive. 

Some concrete ways you can value your staff is by providing verbal praise, allotting time for breaks, and giving them time off and sick leave. The key to your restaurant or bar's success is maintaining a positive and happy staff. 

Still, constructive feedback is valuable to improving your staff's work performance. One method you can use to give feedback without offending your team is the compliment sandwich

  • Start with the bread: State a compliment.
  • Add some condiments: Share your constructive feedback.
  • Finish making the sandwich: Provide another friendly acknowledgment.

For example: “You're providing exceptional service, and our customers are super happy. Quick note: If you're confused about how to place an order, ask me so that we can avoid mistakes. But all in all, you are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up!”

Get feedback from your team 

As a restaurant owner, you are familiar with the systems and protocols that help keep your business running. Sometimes methods work — other times — a plan isn't as sufficient as you'd like it to be.

If you can't figure out the weak link, look to your team. They have hands-on experience and know exactly what works and what doesn't. Get feedback from your staff so that your restaurant or bar can run more efficiently and smoothly.

If feedback meetings make your team uncomfortable, you can have an anonymous box for suggestions, experiences, and thoughts about your restaurant's strategies. When you include your staff in brainstorming sessions and distribute responsibilities equally, you establish a positive and effective work environment. 

Adopt reliable and updated restaurant management solutions 

Are you still managing your records in a spreadsheet and nightly receipts manually?

Managing a restaurant or bar involves making significant decisions that impact your business’ bottom line. Consider updating your restaurant's system to a more streamlined  Point of Sale (POS) system.

It can be frustrating for you and your staff to use outdated processing systems to track orders, inventory, sales, and credit card purchases. Instead, take advantage of a POS system optimized for efficiency and let it do the organizing for you.

A POS system can benefit you, your team, and your customers from mobile ordering and managing timesheets to detailed sales reports.

Effectively managing your team is within your reach when you use methods and procedures that will allow everyone to grow and flourish. Whether you create an in-depth training program, display appreciation for your workers, or use an advanced organizing system, you are taking steps towards building a sustainable and healthy staff that will propel your restaurant or bar to success.

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